Sunday, October 6, 2013

Creative Writing: 101

So one of my classes here at TOPIA is particularly entertaining. Jasper 6 has been part of my schedule for 2 semesters now, and I've had the students in that class in previous levels as well. Harry, Lily, and Kelly (English names will be used since they're not the real names anyway) are a particularly fun-loving bunch, and class with them has always been lively. They keep me on my toes, especially as Anthony and I have been teaching them sarcasm using an intensive immersion method. We also lie to them constantly. As such, we've convinced them that Anthony and I are mortal enemies to a degree that the Joker and Batman would envy. This may in part account for a collaborative story they wrote with a sub while I was on vacation last week. Here is the story. No changes have been made. Enjoy!

In 3000 AD, Jeremy Dimitri Phillipe was born in the government office. He is a son of president Mr. Phillipe. After Jeremy and Antonia got on a date, they broke up and Antonia threw Jeremy out of the window. Jeremy felt he was falling, but soon, he realized he was flying. He was fallen in water. and he realized he could breathe in water. By that time, alien was invading Earth. Jeremy signed up at army to fight against alien. Aliens are from Anthony and Anthony is trying to capture Jeremy. Jeremy is actually a Captain America. His friends, Lolo, Koko, Hirambucus, are his cousins. They are trying to stop Anthony. Anthony sends a message: "Jeremy, you should come to Uranus. If not, I will kill every single human in the Earth." Jeremy arrives in Uranus. He meets snakes. Snakes said "Anthony is here. Be careful." Jeremy and his friends waited for three days on Uranus to meet Anthony. Three days later, Anthony shooted Jeremy and Jeremy was teared to eight pieces. Three friends were angry at Anthony. So Lolo got her gun and shooted Anthony's eye. Anthony says, "Ah, my eyes hurt." Then Lolo started to bark like a dog. Hirambucus says, "Surprise!" and Anthony was knock down.

Anyway, stay tuned. I'm a few posts behind, but new ones will be up in a week or so.
Coming Soon:
  • Thailand! (only 3 months after I got back!)
  • Beach Camping in the Land of the Jellyfish
  • Sincheon/Geumho Adventures! On a Bicycle!
  • Cambodia and Vietnam!

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